Understanding People’s Needs for Lasting Peace

August 29, 2023
Understanding People's Needs for Lasting Peace

Supported by the EU-backed EU4PEACE: Phase 2 program, Peace Dialogue has formed a research team of individuals from various regions across Armenia. Their mission is to uncover challenges that hinder a lasting peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan. This investigation spans urban centers, rural areas, and regions close to Azerbaijani border.

From August 19th to 20th, the organization conducted a training event to equip the research team with essential methodologies and to develop the action plan for further steps.

At the heart of this effort is understanding genuine societal needs within conflict-affected communities. This involves delving into the underlying needs and concerns that shape individuals’ perspectives, categorized by essential human needs: security, welfare, freedom, and identity.

Peace Dialogue is planning to facilitate six focus-group discussions across Armenia and, apart from that, will be engaging in conversations with approximately 350 individuals with interviews. This approach aims to comprehensively understand the perceptions of people regarding the threats hindering building long-term and dignified peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Through this process, the organization aims to identify the most pressing and urgent needs that require immediate attention, ultimately fostering the endorsement of a more inclusive and far-reaching peace treaty.

The insights garnered from this research will significantly contribute to the formulation of equitable and comprehensive recommendations, reflecting the multifaceted concerns of those affected by the conflict. Moreover, using the insights of the study, Peace Dialogue intends to establish a proper ground for dialogue between conflict affected groups across the conflict divides.

Website: https://www.c-r.org

The project is implemented in partnership with the Conciliation Resources NGO through the support of the European Union.